Thursday, October 25, 2012

Updates to Three DS_ Tables

On October 24, 2012, The following changes in the Data Warehouse (EPM) will affect several DS_ tables:

1a) DS_ZIP_CODE_INFO - the table structure is changing, because ASU is purchasing the data from a new vendor. This change may affect applications that use it. The table is also moving, from SYSADM to ASUDW schema. After the change, queries should be directed to ASUDW.DS_ZIP_CODE_INFO. The data and structure is described at The physical table definition is in the following google doc:

1b) DS_ZIP_CODE_INFO_FULL – this table has the same data as DS_ZIP_CODE_INFO, but has even more rows. The _FULL table supports multiple rows for a given zip code, because zip codes can be associated to multiple cities. By contrast, DS_ZIP_CODE_INFO has only one row (the ‘primary’ one) per zip code.

2) DS_IP_TO_LOCATION: the ZIPCODE column will be increased, from 5 to 10 characters.

3) DS_APPS_ADMITS_SNP_DAY_SUM: this table will be dropped, as it is not used for the original intended purpose and no longer appears to be needed.

Email with questions or concerns about this change or its timeline.

For details see

If you experience difficulties as a result of this change, please call the ASU Help Desk at 480.965.6500.