Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fall 2012 Admissions query now available

The UGA MASTER LIST FALL 2012 is now available in MyReports and is located in the STUDENT – ADMISSIONS FOLDER.

Spring will be available soon.

The “huge” set of queries will be run by UGA every day or so. You need only open and find your relevant table and export. New elements will be added as requests come in.

NOTE: An administrative decision was made that while your denied and withdrawn population will be included in order to provide a complete picture of your recruitment cycle efforts, contact information for these populations has been stripped out to prevent any accidental communication efforts.

Field definitions used in this Master List can be found at: UGA Master List Field Definitions.

Friday, September 2, 2011

EPM Release Notes - September 1, 2011

New or Changed Tables and Views
Operational Warehouse Staging (OWS) Tables/Views
  • Human Resources
    • ASU_EMP_LAST_BEN_SERVICE_DT, new table with validated employee benefit service dates.
  • Campus Solutions
    • Altered PS_ASU_AD0104_MAPP: added column ASU_PLAN_CAT_TYPE
Changes to EPM Business Rules and Logic

EPM Release Notes - August 23, 2011

New or Changed Tables and Views
Operational Warehouse Staging (OWS) Tables/Views
  • Campus Solutions
    • PS_ASU_SR205_CKLST
    • PS_ASU_SR205_PROFL
    • PS_ASU_SR205_STAT
    • PS_ASU_SR205_THSIS
    • PS_ASU_SR205_THS_R
*ASU_STDNT_PROFILE_MAJ_CURRENT is the new Current Student Profile table that includes student major-related data such as program, plan, subplan and campus. It includes data for all records that are active as of the current date (the day you run your query), even if the student is not yet term activated - for example, first-time freshmen who have not yet made an orientation reservation. This new table simplifies the data, reduces errors, promotes consistency, and reduces the complexities of the tables so users can easily create their own queries.

Three student Data Warehouse tables were renamed to make them easier to find in the My Reports table catalog:

Old Name:

Old Name: PS_ASU_SR0189_SPRF

Old Name: PS_ASU_SR0189_SBYT

This change will not cause existing queries to break. However, when building new queries, you need to look for the new names.

Changes to EPM Business Rules and Logic

Friday, February 4, 2011

2/3/2011 ASU EPM 9.0.79 Release Notes

New or Changed Tables and Views

Operational Warehouse Staging (OWS) Tables/Views
  • Campus Solutions
MDW Warehouse Tables/Views
  • Campus Solutions
    • Changed minority status logic in PS_ASU_D_PERSON_VW

      The minority status calculation for an indivudial is now changed based on the following federal guideline changes:

      1. Identify Nonresident Alien (X) students using the logic currently in place.
      2. Additionally, now people with visa_code='AR1' will be considered as citizens and given the minority code of 'X'
      3. Students who identify as Hispanic, even if they also select additional ethnic codes, should be coded as Hispanic/Latino (H).
      4. Non-Hispanic students who have more than one first character ethnic code, not including Unspecified (U), should be coded as Two or More Races (T). This is a new code.
      5. All other students should be assigned to the single ethnic code they selected
      6. Else to Unspecified (U) if they selected none.