Enterprise Data Warehouse (PMPRD)
Wednesday Nov 13 2013 8:00pm – 9:00pm
Per user request, CS view PS_ASU_AD113_MC_VW needs to be created and loaded in the Enterprise Data Warehouse. The source view contains about 1M rows.
A new table called ASU_AD113_MC_VW_P will be created in the ASUDW schema.
A new view called PS_ASU_AD113_MC_VW that selects from ASUDW. ASU_AD113_MC_VW_P will be created in the SYSADM schema.
View SYSADM. PS_ASU_AD113_MC_VW will be exposed to the My Reports user community in the CS mart.
Thursday Nov 14 2013 8:00pm - 9:00pm
The following four tables from Student Athlete Academic Profile will be added to the Enterprise Data Warehouse:
Monday Nov 18 2013 8:00pm - 9:30pm
There are several logic changes to the 'new' Admissions Fact application table in the Enterprise Data Warehouse:
1. Military Changes (Jira case AD-505):
• MILITARY_CONNECTION_CODE (formerly VETERAN_OR_DEPENDENT_FLG): set to A for Active, V for Veteran, D for Spouse/Dependent, U for Unknown
• MILITARY_STATUS: logic change, to form consistent values over time, as available application responses change
• MILITARY_BRANCH (formerly VETERAN_BRANCH): set to military branch of the military personnel, whether active military, veteran, spouse/dependent
The changes above include database schema changes to both ASU_ADM_APPLICATION and ASU_ADM_APPLICATION_SNP.
2. ADM_EVAL_COMPLETE_DT logic change: for reconsidered Grad apps, set ADM_EVAL_COMPLETE_DT to LAST_AP_ACTION_DT (Jira case AD-596).
3. Add Cross Reference table ASU_XREF to store crosswalks from value(s) to a value. Change CI Band and TRN GPA Band logic, to use ASU_XREF rather than hard coding the logic in procedural code. This allows translation changes without code migrations. (Jira cases AD-347, AD-348)
Expected User Impact: Queries that use ASU_ADM_APPLICATION and/or ASU_ADM_APPLICATION_SNP should be adjusted to use the new and changed Military and Veteran columns, listed in #1 above. Also, there will be brief (4-8 minute) unavailability of data in the tables ASU_ADM_APPLICANT, ASU_ADM_APPLICATION, ASU_ADM_INTL_STUDENT.
Coming Soon (Repeat Announcement):
Enterprise Data Warehouse (PMPRD)
The obsolete Admissions Fact table (ASU_A_ADM, a.k.a. PS_ASU_A_ADM) is being deprecated using a phased approach:
In the near future, we will stop refreshing this table. The table will still be available for queries for a period of time, but the data will no longer be updated. There is no firm date for this step, but the timeframe is before the end of November 2013. The data warehouse team invites feedback at datawarehouse@asu.edu.
After approximately two months (January 2014), the table will be renamed, and general queries will no longer have access to it. By that time, queries that need up-to-date admissions information should have been adjusted to use the new Admissions Fact tables (ASU_ADM_APPLICATION, ASU_ADM_APPLICANT, ASU_ADM_INTL_STUDENT and ASU_ADM_APP_FIRST_AD_SNP) or other tables/views as needed.
Jira case(s): AD-589