Wednesday, May 28, 2008
New Query: ReportsTo.bqy
Thanks to Denise DeSouza and Elaine Moore for developing this new query.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Emergency Contact.bqy Revised
Employees can update their emergency contact information via ASU Interactive > Employee Self Service > Personal Information at Changes will be reflected in the ASU Data Warehouse the next day.
Friday, May 16, 2008
ERE Encumbrances on Sponsored Accounts Changes
As you know ERE encumbrances are applied to Sponsored Program's Accounts only. The encumbrance amount is calculated by using the actuals and encumbrance JVs that are interfaced between HRIS and Advantage, so these files are retained after each payroll cycle. The amount that is encumbered is calculated using the following formula:
ERE Rate = (ERE Actuals) / (Salaries)
ERE Encumbrance amount = (Encumbrances) X (ERE Rate)
This process is performed in a job that runs after both the Expenses (Actuals) and Encumbrances have interfaced into Advantage. The process also zeros out the previous encumbrance amount, so it is a full reset.
- Provide for a merge of RA/TA expenses (which are currently entered by way of a file provided by FS), so that those expenses are part of the calculation.
- Off-cycle ERE encumbrance calculations have been "off" because the actuals are limited to only those accounts with activity, yet we get a full encumbrance file. The solution, for now, is to retain the calculated rates from the On-cycles and then apply those rates to the encumbrances during off-cycle processing.
Three New Human Resource Expenditure Views!
PS_ASU_PAY_EXP_VW contains salaries, wages, and ERE expenditures. PS_ASU_PAY_ERN_VW contains only salaries and wages; and PS_ASU_PAY_ERE_VW contains only ERE.
All three views contain both original payroll distribution records as well as redistribution transactions that have been approved.
The existing Human Resource myReport query, HR Expenditures.bqy has been modified to use the new views.
All three views contain the same columns of data:
- Distrib Type
- Source Cd
- PayGroup
- Pay End Dt
- Off Cycle
- Page Num
- Line Num
- Spechk
- Erncd
- Fiscal Year
- Accounting Period
- Acct Cd
- Budget Data
- Position Nbr
- Name
- Emplid
- EmplRcd
- Amount
- Transaction Nbr
- ASU AgcyOrg
- Fund Code
- ASU Sorg
- ASU Expenditure Cd
- Approval Status
- Deptid
- Paycheck Option
- Approval Oprid
A big thank you to Laura Lee for making this happen.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
"Lost" Data Warehouse Access Requests
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
The batch query output, Output from Daily(cycle) of job Pay Check, which was in the Human Resource/Content Underdevelopment folder will no longer be produced. Human Resource data warehouse users should now use PS_ASU_PAYCK_AR_VW as an alternative source of this information.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Pay Distribution Batch Query Discontinued
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Employee Primary Emergency Contact Information
Previously, if an employee selected the option that the primary emergency contact's phone number was as the same as the employee's home phone number, Emerg_Phone_Num would be blank in PS_ASU_D_EMP_AR_VW. This has been changed so that the employee's home phone number now appears in the Emerg_Phone_Num.
A query named "Emergency Contact.bqy" is available in the myReports Human Resource folder.
More complete emergency contact information is available in the PS_EMERGENCY_CNTCT table.
Friday, May 2, 2008
EPM Release Notes for 9.0.27
Student Records
Human Resources
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Two Helpful New HR Tables Available
The PS_ASU_HR158_VW was inspired by the legacy data warehouse's tblHR158, hence the name. The goal was to provide current job information including position funding sources. Based on the PS_JOB table, the view pulls in data from ten other tables including the current position distribution, job code salary ranges, tenure information, and vacation plan information.
Some of the column names require some explanation:
- DEPTID2 is the home department which should be the department of an employee's primary job.
- DEPTID_LD is the description of the home department.
- DESCR is the title associated with the job code.
- DEPTID is the department associated with the job.
- DESCR2 is the job department's description
- Amount is Annual Rate * position distribution percentage
We plan to create a view on top of this view that will have more descriptive column names, but do not want to do this until you all have had a chance to use the existing view and point out all its shortcomings. So please, let us know if you see data that looks incorrect.
PS_ASU_CUR_JOB_VW was created along the way as a convenience while working on the PS_ASU_HR158_VW table. It is simply the PS_JOB table filtered to only the current record.Kudos to Mark Monninger for developing these helpful new tables and to Robin Gonzalez for defining the requirements.